Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday: sucking at painting day

painted again for an hour and a half, without inspiration.

I'll chalk this up to a learning experience.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday: modeling day

Got a little bit further on another building, cutting in windows and such. It all moves so slowly it seems. Painting tomorrow.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I am still blocking in everything as I put details in, just to keep me interested. More buildings are grounded with stairs and sidewalk which work with the hills.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


No new paintings today, so here are some doodles.

- paul w

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday: Turtle day

Ted put on his suit, but the bird was faster still.

Another 2 hour painting (roughly.. a little less, because I was watching Chuck).
As you can see, my style varies greatly when doing these quick paintings. I hope to eventually nail a quick painting style.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday: modeling day

Here are a couple of shots of the city I will be working on as the year progresses. Working only a couple of hours a week will make very slow, but steady progress.

Of course I immediately broke the cardinal rule of composition, by not having one. I'm just getting a "feel" for now. As I build more I will decide on final shots and build to those shots. I like being able to go anywhere right now, because I will probably put it all in the Unreal Engine so I can run around.

Note the floating buildings on the left in the first image. Bad Paul!

I'll post up some general concepts I have done for this layered city I am building soon.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Another painting.. This one took 2 hours, but I was distracted for the first 40 minutes. Lame excuse I know.

Monday I'll go back and do a little modeling again.

I like the quality of the last painting better. There is actually less information, but the control over the light is better. This one burns out to past on the highlights and to fast in the darks. The attention to bounce light needs to be addressed.

These mistakes is why I am doing this. Each painting will get better and worse on some axis, but over all 20 paintings from now it will all be better.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday: Turtle painting day?

Another hour and a half painting... I need to do this better still, but hey... in a few months it's gonna be great!

I should really figure out what this turtle looks like.

edit: updated with a slightly tweaked (levels in photoshop) adding another 5 minutes to the total time.

Monday: Modeling ... er...quick painting

Mondays are supposed to be for modeling, but I decided I wanted to paint.

Trying to warm up my painting hand still.

Here is Ted the Turtle. He likes bread.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

stupid zombie walking

here's a little gif of my Elvis Impersonator Zombie. It's really bad, I know, but it's just test to understand some of the tools I'll be using when I animate it for real.

gif is broken for some reason...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday: Painting

Little one hour paintings to practice my hand for when I do some real concept art.

I really need to practice painting clouds.

Tomorrow I goof off, so probably nothing will show up here.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday: a little more modeling

I am supposed to texture on Tuesdays, but I decided to model a little more. This is a very slow process right now. Tomorrow I will paint and draw.

Lunch Sketch

Started drawing during lunch, but it got very windy and cold. So it
stays like this...

- paul w

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday: modeling day

It's been a while since I've modeled with any detail which makes me SLOWWWWWWW. It's really basic and ugly right now, but all the cool stuff happens once I put it in engine and see it lit, which is a bit off still.

Any way here is the start of the first building. I've laid in textures, but they are not final. In fact all I am concentrating on right now is the model. Next Monday I am going to model out the top of the building to get it ready for future z-brush work (once I learn it).

This is step A (with a little head start, because I've worked on this model for a bit before while learning the unreal engine). There is only so much one can do in two hours, once a week.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The missing link

Even after working as a professional artist for over 10 years, I am still amazed that the left sketch turns into the right drawing in one step. It's like magic, but I'm casting the spell.

Wonderment aside, this is a sketch for an idea a friend and I are working on.

Zombie Elvis Impersonator!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I made it live.

I went ahead and made the new website live. It works well enough for now and I will continue to tweak it.


- paulw

Monday, March 1, 2010

At the airport waiting.

A quick sketch while I wait for the plane to land.

This is the beginning

I'm actually going to be starting this blog for my art work. As I work on my new portfolio over the next year, I will be posting updates and art here.

Thus will show the progress I've made as time goes on (frustration too).

Stay tuned and see what happens when a 10 year game veteran has to reinvent himself.

- paulw